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If there’s one thing I deal with on a mammoth scale, it’s words. So I’ve been tempted back to blogging.

Let’s see if I can keep this up and make better use of my words than I have before.


How do I do the chain loops and the trebles into them? More precisely, how do I move from one chain loop to another? Please help me! This is from Burda Crochet Lace N.227. The picture is clickable.

ETA: With the help of experienced and helpful neighbours at Crochetville, the problem has been successfully solved! What looks like two rows are in fact worked as one (very clever and a technique I’ve never applied before, in this manner, at least) and hey presto, you have the magical “hanging in the air” impression.

There was another minor (potentially major) hiccup when I ran out of thread, and this morning’s expedition to the local craft store only led to a paler shade. Another expedition in the afternoon to another craft store yielded what the husband assures me is the same shade, only packaged in 20gm balls rather than 50gm. We shall now resume our scheduled crocheting.

Another remarkable thing is that facing the prospect of having to redo the entire doily in a colour I had more of, I wasn’t daunted. There are very few patterns I ever redo, so that says something about this one, I think. How about you? Do you usually redo patterns, or never?

Also, WordPress now has an Advanced toolbar in its editor. I must explore it sometime, and see if I can post tables, for example.

We are pleased to report that the reports of the Router’s death were greatly exaggerated. (And Lucy, it was not funny!) The Router indeed lives, and it were the power adaptor that were dead, it were. (And not actually dead, merely some of its innards had got disconnected, but they have now been re-soldered).

I cannot tell you how relieved I am to be once again venturing abroad in cyber space from my trusted iBook. Whew! That MS Windows is really something!

And now I must go catch up with my mails and blogs. Maybe even do a teeny tiny bit of work!

Yep, sense appears to have seen the light. (Pardon my mixed metaphors, I’m excited).

I am once again able to access blogspot. Woohoo. :mrgreen:

This is the first time I’m living with censorship (I was too young to appreciate it properly the earlier time) and I’m not liking it much. Technologically challenged people in the government have decided that all of the blogs at and are to be blocked. I cannot also access any site. Either that or the ISPs here do not have the wherewithal (brains) to ban subdomains rather than entire domains. Luddites. What next, the printing press? How about cellphones? The radio. No, that is controlled anyway. Bah.

On a happy note, I can use to access any blogs on, but not the others. Also, I cannot comment on those blogs.

There isn’t a word to express how I feel. 😡

Does anyone know how I can read blogs? Google’s cache is usually a couple of days old. isn’t current either.

Here’s a post that explains why I can’t read my blogs:

I’m undecided on how to react.

For Bloglines.

Why does it take so long to load the edit page that I forget what I wanted to blog about?

Anyway, those of you who also use Blogger/Blogspot what improvements/features would you like to see? I'm just curious, you know. I'd like:

1. Smilies! I miss those from C'ville and Yahoo Messenger
2. Faster loading of the edit/create post page

Let me hear from you!

Sheila, have you tried using the "Compose" link on the edit box, rather than the "edit Html"? I discovered it recently and have been playing with the fonts (and colours and highlighting). Even that isn't strictly WYSIWYG, though. I totally agree with you on wanting an easier way to add links and stuff. I wish they'd have a "drag-and-drop" editor for the template. Fishing around in all that html makes me nervous!

Well, I’ve finally gone and done it! Yup, I created a Yahoo group for crocheters from India. It’s exciting, and I hope it’ll help us help each other with supply-related woes or pattern doubts or anything else, for that matter.

If you are a crocheter and from India (wherever you might be living now), do come and join us!

Click here to join Crochet_India
Click to join Crochet_India

Yes, the template has been changed. I think I’ve fixed most of the customisations I had, but if you find any bugs, please let me know!

PS The title comes from the Two Cheers programme on BBC World Service Radio sometime during Maggie Thatcher’s reign…Anybody heard that one?

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